光与夜之恋完成一次轨迹互动任务怎么做 具体介绍

时间: 2022-04-18 17:53:03 来源: APP下载 编辑: APP下载

\"Light and Night Love\" games Complete a trajectory interactive task Many players don't know how to do it, then today Xiaobian will introduce you to the night's love to complete a track interactive task Raiders, there is a need for small Partners don't miss.

\"Light and Night Love\" Completed a Track Interactive Task Raiders

Go to the heart where you have a man's card to go in Ok, but pay attention to this can't jump, you can't click, you have to give it a plot to one.

can use the previous track card, but there is no trajectory

It is new unlocked, and I haven't seen it.

The section is completely listening and not skipping.

Everyone has a trajectory card, as long as you have a track card, it can be a trajectory plot. Puminate the card first. Then you can interact.

This new card of the new card is that if it is naturally * convenient, there is no trajectory that there is no trajectory that has no trajectory card before you have.
